UpCRM is a consultancy company offering strong expertise in customer engagement,
cloud architecture & data management.
We enable organizations to become customer centric thanks to end-to-end Customer Relationship Management Solutions.
Take on the digital challenge to bring new services,
improve customer experience and drive sales increase.

Service Methodology
We focus on what matters the most for you:
Customer experience & User adoption
Customer testimonials
Our notation in the annual
Salesforce Customer
Satisfaction Program
“Excellent collaboration from start to finish!
UpCRM Consulting Team delivered an excellent service while making their best efforts to exceed expectations. Highly recommended.”
“With Salesforce, we created a tailor made solution for our Customer Service, hand to hand with Up Consultants.
Their reactivity combined with Salesforce’s unique flexibility and scalability was key to the success of this long-term project.”
“Up Consultants understand & anticipate our needs in donor relations and project management and implement them rapidly.
We’ve been working with them for 3 years now and we’re still looking for an occasion where one of our ideas would not be feasible by UpCRM.”
Customer testimonials
Our notation in the annual
Salesforce Customer
Satisfaction Program

UpCRM is a consultancy company offering strong expertise in customer engagement, cloud architecture & data management.
We enable organizations to become customer centric thanks to end-to-end Customer Relationship Management Solutions.
Take on the digital challenge to bring new services, improve customer experience and drive sales increase.

Pick Up & Deliver : Nadege De Biasio, Head of IWD Business Support & Development, Nordea
The challenge for us today is more on the understanding of data The challenge for us today is more on the understanding of data Nordea Asset Management, is part of the Nordea Group, the largest financial services group [...]
Crazy Skills : Mirela Smajovic, Consultante CRM Salesforce, UpCRM
Je prends chaque réalisation comme un challenge Après les hard skills et les soft skills, place aux “crazy skills” pour découvrir les employés de la société UpCRM! La série commence avec Mirela Smajovic, qui est consultante CRM Salesforce depuis [...]
La Mondiale Europartner : une plateforme patrimoniale phygitale de référence
Loïc Le Foll, Directeur Général La Mondiale Europartner La Mondiale Europartner est la filiale luxembourgeoise du Groupe AG2R La Mondiale qui est l’un des leaders français dans le domaine de la protection sociale et de l’épargne patrimoniale. [...]
Service Methodology
We focus on what matters the most for you:
Customer experience & User adoption
Customer testimonials
Our notation in the annual
Salesforce Customer
Satisfaction Program
“Excellent collaboration from start to finish!
UpCRM Consulting Team delivered an excellent service while making their best efforts to exceed expectations. Highly recommended.”
“With Salesforce, we created a tailor made solution for our Customer Service, hand to hand with Up Consultants.
Their reactivity combined with Salesforce’s unique flexibility and scalability was key to the success of this long-term project.”
“Up Consultants understand & anticipate our needs in donor relations and project management and implement them rapidly.
We’ve been working with them for 3 years now and we’re still looking for an occasion where one of our ideas would not be feasible by UpCRM.”